Thursday, January 26, 2017

Week of January 23 to 26

This is supposed to be a daily blog, even though I have not blogged all week. Forgive me.

Today, Ms. Lamb returned to school from her two day hiatus - snow day and sick day. We focused on finishing our word study and book presentations today. We also had some library time.

Tonight for homework:

Math - new math packet was handed out today, work on page 44 (all) which is adding fractions
(Note: No skill sheet this week)

LA: Work to finish word study (yes you can do your blind sort at home, just find someone to read the words to you) and work to finish your book presentations - this might me just reading to finish the book

Read: Finish the nonfiction book for the project and/or read your novel

Tomorrow we hand out permission slips for our upcoming skating field trip on Feb. 7th. We could use a few more parent chaperones if you are interested. Here is a link to the permission slip.

Thursday, January 19, 2017


We have our first field trip coming up on Tuesday February 7th. It will be a short trip to the Essex Skating Facility for ice skating. We will leave school at 9:30 and return at 12. Students will need to bring a lunch or order a bag lunch from the cafeteria on Monday. Parents are welcome to join us as chaperones. Let Cate know if you can come with us.

I'm out today. Here is what I think happened.
In LA students read an article from Scholastic magazine regarding the Native American protests of the Dakota pipeline protests - bringing a Native American current events article into the fore. We looked at text structures (very prominent in this magazine) and read for summary.

We also had library and edutyping time.

Remains the same this week for LA
Read 5 pages of your Native American nonfiction book and write three stickie notes with big ideas - be ready to show tomorrow
Read your novel
Do some edutyping if you have time

Math skill sheets are due tomorrow

See you tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Tuesday/Wednesday 1.17&18

I forgot to post yesterday. Here's a summary.

In LA we are advancing on our nonfiction native American books. Students have chosen and will complete reading one or MORE nonfiction native American books as we ratchet up the amount of reading we do this trimester.  Homework this week will be reading and capturing three big ideas on sticky notes each night. I will be checking these in class the next day.

We also jigsawed chapters on different tribes from our text book The First Americans by Joy Hakim.  Students read together and then taught the information to the class using visual aids of slides or poster.  Again, the focus is on capturing the big ideas.

Yesterday's and tonight's homework:

Math: Skill sheet - done by Friday

LA: read 10-20 minutes in your nonfiction book. Write three stickie notes with "big ideas"

edutyping if you have time

read your novel always - how can you stay away from those things?

Thursday, January 12, 2017



Math: Skill sheet due tomorrow - maybe something else, I'm afraid I forgot
LA: Finish word study, more edutyping - quiz tomorrow
READ novel 20 minutes

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Tuesday 1.10.17

Boy did this blog get away from me....
I forgot to tell you how AWESOME our Legendary National History Day Exhibit was.  If you came to see you, thank you. Also, if you drove the trifolds to and from school, thank you!

Trifolds, which most kids want to keep, can be taken any time, the sooner the better. They take up a lot of space.

Last night's homework was:
LA word study, 8 great sentences - this will become a common Monday assignment. Try do do some edutyping each night. Many of us got behind on this.
Read your current choice novel

Math: Skill sheet - it has two sides this week - due Friday

Tonight's homework:

Math: Skill sheet continued - may be more
LA: Read and edutyping, make sure you have sort 1, sentences and sort 2 done for word study

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Wednesday Tomorrow Is Legend National History Day

The big thing is have your National History Day exhibit trifold ready for tomorrow at 8 am!

There is probably math also, but I'm not at school so I'm not sure.

See you tomorrow!

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Tuesday (a bit late)

Sorry for the late night entry.
This week is absorbed with readying for the Legendary National History Day Exhibition on Thursday.
There is nothing like a deadline to pull a project together. Parents are invited to the display. It will be up in the library from 8:20 to 11 am. Students will only be there from 8:20 to 9:10 for group Courage and 9:10 to 10:00 for group Daring.

Tonight's homework:
Math - skill sheet
LA - ready for NHD do some work for your presentation board
Read your novel
finish your word study sentences

Monday, January 2, 2017

1.2.17 Happy New Year!

Welcome back everyone! Why we are working on a national holiday, I cannot say, but we had a great day nonetheless.

Students are working away on their trifolds. These will be presented to all on Thursday. Students will set up their trifolds from 8 to 8:20. All parents are invited to the viewing if you want to stop by on your way to work. This way I can tell the kids all the parents are coming to see them to get a little fear of audience motivation going on, plus their are super fun to see. It will be our own little National History Day. Students who want to go to the actual contest will then have three months to perfect their projects. They will be up until at least 10, so so stop by anytime.

National History Day requires an annotated bibliography which was introduced today. We will talk more about this tomorrow, but here is a rough outline with my in process example at the end.

Annotated Bibliography

Homework tonight:
Math: Skill sheet due Friday
LA: continued work on presentation
Reading: Everyone has a new novel they are reading - read for 20 minutes (hopefully it is a fantasy book)