Monday, December 5, 2016

Monday 12.5.16

Well, I got to work at 9:20 today after leaving my house in Burlington at 6:40. So, the day went up from there.

Ms. Nicolle very aptly ran LA this morning until I got here. Everyone continued reading, working on their seesaw post and researching for National History Day.

In the afternoon, we got our new word study packets for the week. Today we did sort one. Ms. Lamb introduced us to cursive review packets OR learn cursive packets. This is low stakes...let's see if we can at least sign our names and read cursive. We will work on this about 10 minutes a day until Christmas vacation.

Tonight's homework:
LA: Read 20 minutes
Finish your seesaw journal entry or comment if you have computer access
Also, one lesson or 10 minutes of edutyping

Math: 19A and 19B

Ms. Lamb will be away tomorrow at a professional development day. Mrs. Turcotte should be here. Plans are to  continue with all we did today.

See you Wednesday.

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