Thursday, December 15, 2016

Thursday 12.15.16

Today we worked on organizing our notes into categories.

Organizing your research

  1. Background - who? what? when? where? etc.
  2. Stand - describe it, why was it needed? how did it happen? how was the person (if there is a person) instrumental?
  3. What were the long time effects? What happened because of the stand?

Tomorrow we will write flash drafts in class. This means students get three pieces of paper (or make three pages on google docs) and just write the information they know for each subtopic. More research can be done, but this will make clear what they need to find out. Also, it will get to writing in our own voice.

Next week we begin working with our trifolds. Each student only gets one so measure twice and cut once. We will also learn how to patch and cover over - great life skills.

Mr. Meadows is finishing a science unit this week, so we can work on trifolds all afternoon Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

We are taking Thursday as a celebration day. The BRMS fun committee has organized a concert in the morning where the band and chorus will show their "stuff." The last hour of the day will be "minute to win it" contests in the gym.

The time back at class will be spent watching the BFG movie.

Homework tonight:

Math: Skill sheet (maybe more...not sure yet.)

LA: word hunt for word study, make sure day 1,2,3 and 4 are done by tomorrow

continue research ready to flash draft in class tomorrow

READ for 20 minutes - book club book or your own choice. Come as close as you can to finishing the book by next Tuesday.

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